Friday, February 13, 2009

House or "When is this damn winter going to be over?"

No, not that smarmy doctor guy with the opiate addiction. One of the reasons we bought the house that we did was because it was sort of a clean slate. Very plain, all the walls are white, no landscaping to speak of. Just house, garage, yard. Most of the houses we looked at looked as if they had forty years of different paint colors and wallpaper borders that would have to be removed. We are only the third owners of our little abode and the second owner was a single guy who really only used the place for sleeping. The plan is to remodel and make our place just what we want it to be. It's a ranch from 1977. Never been updated so it has an avocado bathroom and a harvest gold bathroom. -Update- the green bathroom tub has developed a crack. I guess now we will learn how to repair fiberglass. I guess that will come in handy when I buy a Vette. Of course, I will never buy a Vette because I don't like Vette's. Never have really, not sure why. More of a Camaro man, I am. Once again, I digress. The previous owner painted all the walls and redid the flooring so it's very livable. Now that we've lived here 10mos. I realize that we are already out of space. Our biggest issue right now is storage. Well, the biggest issue is we have no time or money. That's just the life of your average working shlub in the midwest. Most of my projects are going to be house related and I'll probably post some of that stuff, or not.The good news here is that I really need to do the Car-Hole first. You see if the garage is to be used as a shop to help fix the things in the rest of the house it takes priority. If that helps me get closer to restoring the Ducati then all the better. I really feel like I can make the garage very cool, in addition to just making it work. I'm excited about that. Drywall, I'm much less excited about. Perhaps I could actually get around to working on the Aermacchi.

You remember her don't ya?

1 comment:

Grumpyunk said...

Spring is coming, Surly. Time to be riding that little red motorcycle down to see your Unk.