My old buddy Bill, the one that gave me the Garagemobile, gave me a groovy old Craftsman table saw. This is going to be very handy to have around. It looks cool, too. Of course, I have to make room for it as well. Remember those sliding square puzzles? That has become my life. Move this here to make room for that, now where do I put this now? I got rid of my old table saw which was not much of a saw but the price was right. I'm not much of a woodworker but I've got to start somewhere. I want to build shelves and a closet for one wall of the car-hole.
The two rucksacks are our Bug-out bags. I'll get to that some other time. Anyway I need to make some space on that wall. If I gain a bit of confidence in building the closet/wall storage unit there, I will tackle the closet in our bedroom. It's a mess as well. I'm very confident I can make the space in this place much more efficient. I'd like to do something in the living room for entertainment center/library/desk type deal as well but I don't know if I'll be up to that. The shed in the backyard is FULL and I just build some shelves in there. I've almost got it sorted to where I can walk in.
As for the water abatement, well the driveway slopes toward the house. There is no apron in front of the garage door. The driveway allows the water to run right up to and under the door. Which has rotted as a result. The garage floor is also not flat so a new door will not seal if I put one on. I get water in the garage. Remember that part, there will be a quiz. The attached garage (car-hole) has drywall but has never been taped. For a fire stop, the drywall must be taped. I started doing this but it needs to go close to the floor. Why can't I finish the drywall close to the floor? Ding, Ding, Ding!!! You got it, I get water in the garage. I have to fix the driveway to get the water away from the door, I need to build an apron to aid in this, the water has to get away from the house so I need a drain from the apron to the yard. I don't want to flood my neighbors yard so I need a dry well. I have to fix the floor so a door will seal and then I can install a new door. Then I can finish the drywall. Simple, right? At two or three hours a week and two or three hundred dollars a month I should be done by the time my four year-old finishes college. The dude abides. At least I can ride the bike tomorrow.
Hey toots,
You know that thing about Rome and how long it took to build. Priorities dude. They are called kids. The stuff will always be there, but you only learn to walk once, or ride a real bike. You pick. You are doing a fantastic job.
Oh yeah, I get all that. It's just that looking back I see all the time I wasted and I want to make the most of it. The good thing is that now all the time I am not doing "stuff" is spent with the kids.
Man you still crack me up.
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