Firstly, thanks for the comments. When folks leave comments it... me an idea of what works and what does not work. Don't hesitate to leave a comment if you have something to say. Oh, and welcome Jszee... Now a clarification. Some of this is redundant so bear with me as I put things in context. I had a personal blog, it evolved into a blog about motorcycles which, through my association with another motorcycling blog that no longer exists, gained me a reader or two. I also had personal posts in there about some interesting projects. I started another blog that I subsequently killed. Then my personal life changed. I changed jobs, I moved to a new (old) house, and I had two kids. Technically the Wife had the kids, I just help raise them and add the odd consult on the transformation from boys into men. As their time allows of course, no need to rush things. All those changes combined with the time it takes to do any of them with any degree of competence takes some time. The blog then took a bit of a turn when I decided to focus on photography, no pun intended. I thought if I want people to take me and my work seriously the blog should just be about photography. Clearly I love photography, but that really sucked the life out of the blog. Mostly the serious part. In the last year I've come to the realization that I am an adult. I'm not sure when it happened, sort of just sneaked up on me. So, like it or not I'm an adult. I guess I'd better stick with the like it part because there ain't no going back. Also, I've got two small humans that need someone to teach them how to be men. I can't leave that to anyone else, can I? (He said rhetorically, and parenthetically) So what to do with the blog?If I just write what I feel, people seem to show up and read and leave a comment once in a while. Sometimes in English. That's a good thing, I believe. I would like people to see my photography and flip over it and want to loan me their Ducati or send me a voucher for a pair of bespoke shoes (that's another post...). Well, quite honestly I don't have any stunning photography to show. I've got a few good pictures. My Mom likes 'em. So it's not like clients are beating a path to my door to hire me to take photos for them and that's okay. I just need to keep working, getting better and in the mean time I'll keep writing what I feel and what folks seem to like. I've got a few ideas to make the blog better. Not just post topics but things here and there. I'm still going to use my photographs to illustrate the blog and I have another blog domain I could use if I need one for photos only or my portfolio etc... For those of you who have stuck around, thanks for sticking around. For the new folks thanks for showing up. To wrap this whole thing up, from what I read in the comments combined with a few original thoughts I have had rolling around in my head I think I have found the direction I need to go. At least for now. It's a give and take thing here folks, thanks for the input. More to come.
Thanks for the recap, Matt. I'll continue to check in. I must say, aside from the content of your blog, your literary skills are pretty darned refreshing.
If you like it, someone else out there will dig it as well. That's the way I feel about my painting. I don't know if you feel this way about your writing, but I for one dig it. I say write about what blows your hair back, it doesn't necessarily have to focus on one passion.
I am so glad you got your fathers brains.
Don't sell yourself short Mom.
I am not, you got my good looks.
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