Monday, June 25, 2012

I'm not really sure how it's spelled...

You know that exhale, sigh thing you do when someone asks you a hard question? That's the post title. Last weekend we went down to Southern Indiana for John's party. It was...a lot of things. It was weird being at his house without him being there. It was nice to see some family that I don't see much. I met some of John's friends that I have never met and got to see again some of his friends I've met before. It was a beautiful day. Rained twice, didn't affect the party at all. There were children playing. People laughed and cried. There was a band. A band made up of friends of John's and they played songs that I know he loved. My uncle did not want a funeral. He said that specifically. I'm tempted to try to eulogize him with this blog post but I know that's not really necessary. I still haven't come to terms with his passing exactly. The good news is I have some pretty kick-ass memories of my uncle and I'm glad I got to spend time with him. Wherever he is now I'm sure he's calling someone a dumbass who needs it. Not because he was mean spirited but because he loved people and really cared about them. It took me too long to figure that out. Goodbye John.

1 comment:

red said...
