Friday, February 17, 2006

Scallops, not just for potatos anymore!

I made a little time to get into the garagemobile last night and I did a litle painting experiment. One of the sidecovers on the Honda has nice black metallic paint. It's an N.O.S. piece my buddy Joe Dirt scored for me at the dealer. I masked off a scallop and shot some rattle can gold in there and it looks fairly good. I also worked on sanding the other ugly sidecover in an effort to make some actual progress. The fizz can gold is just an experiment but I think I can pull off the effect. Gymi was gracious enough to offer to help me with the job and I may still take him up on that but I am the king of fickle when it comes to paint schemes. The emblems on the bike are gold which is why I chose gold. I'm going to shoot the other side and try to roll on some gold metallic One-shot. I know this sounds crazy but I saw it in a book I have on paiting flames and they say it works. The amount of metallic in the one shot is quite great too. Again, just experimenting. I need to come up with a nice contrasting color for the outline as well. I can't think of anything that would go with the gold. My bike is a 77' but the emblems I have are for a 78'. Either one will fit but the 78' emblems have a decidedly Trans Am feel to them. Not the TransAmerican roadrace cars, but the cheesy prism-dashed cars with the handcuffs hanging from the rear-view mirror and the "Ass Kickin' Southern Rock" license plate on the front. I'll need a big screaming chicken on the tank. The batteries died in the digicam so no pics of the sidecover yet.
Got the camera working - the emblems needs to be replaced or refurbished but you get the idea.


Der_General said...

That looks badass! If you go with that paint scheme, I challenge you to ride the bike from Atlanta to Texarkana and back in 28 hours...

Lucky said...


Gymi said...

Scallops, they are whats' for dinner,
That combo looks great.

Surly said...

"We've got a long way to go and a short time to get there, we gon' do what they say can't be done" I've been singing those damn lyrics all day. I didn't even consider the Bandit angle until the Atlanta to Texarkana comment. I looked it up and it was actually the other way around. Coors was not available in GA. so they had to bootleg it. I'm such a nerd.