The weather here in the "Region" (that's what the locals call NW Indiana) has turned to the perfect riding weather. When it's not raining, of course. Fall is my absolute favorite season. I've got the itch to ride even more now than ever. I took my buddies DR350 for a test ride yesterday and that was quite therapeutic. Not a "hey, I might buy this" test ride but a "hey, I just replaced the clutch in the bike and I have to fix the exhaust on my truck so why don't you take it for a test ride" test ride. The clutch works just fine. On a related note, I put out some feelers for a spare tank for my Honda so perhaps I can just get her on the road regardless of paint. Whatever. The Single Overhead Cam website has started a "bike of the month" contest and the winners are stellar. The 750 above is the July(?) winner. I dig the pipes. They are modified stockers. He whacked the ends off, welded in some aftermarket baffles and made some stainless heat shields. Very nice.
Update - I called the home of my friend who has my paintwork to ask him to bring it back to me at our next jam (he's in my band). I was getting tired of waiting and Gymi was taunting me ;) Perhaps it was a stroke of luck but I talked to his significant other who was equally fed up with the lack of progress on the paint. Perhaps she put on her best
harpy voice or perhaps he realized that he is my friend and is being a pain in the ass. Whatever the impetus was, I was told I
will have my shit back, delivered to my house, next weekend. "That's a promise" exact quote. We'll see.
I'm with ya on the fall is the best season. I know someone who could of had your tank painted and back to you three months ago and you could be out there enjoying the fall riding season;)
I say get it on the road w/o paint. Hell, I used high temp bbq paint on my tank just to prevent rust. You can always paint over winter.
The tank is at his house and he bought the paint already. I'm in for the price of materials and if I take the parts back I'm out the $ and I'll piss off a guy I have to see on a regular basis. Just another in a long series of bad decisions.
maybe pick up an el cheapo tank on ebay or from Cycle Recycle II? something in a baby puke green with blue flames should do the trick!
That is some good news indeed.
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