Sunday, November 07, 2010

Picture of the week 11/01/10

I've been wanting to do a frazzled mommy pic for a while. We had to really work at getting the kitchen that messed up. The maid was beside herself. Of course, the kids were also at a loss. They've never been annoying a day in their lives. Getting the wife to have that look on her face was a chore as well. Seriously, I asked the kids to jump up and down and they obliged and the wife was actually smiling at how cute they were. I must admit I sort of phoned this one in as it took all of five minutes to set up the lights, take the pic and tear down the lights and put it all away. Hey, if we can't get the dishes done how the hell can I put together a giant production just to take one picture? I don't want to cop out on this project so I'm dedicated to getting a pic a week but a quick one that's whipped together in 5 is better than no pic for this type of exercise. I learn from each picture taking experience so at least I got the camera out of the bag. I have some other posts rolling around in my head so check back, there may be another this week if I can find five min.

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